Sunday 5 February 2012

Sunday night meatballs

A fridge almost exclusively full of pork products delivered in the post. everybody here feels that pork is the inferior meat. but we are hungry and we need something fortifying to broach serious subjects like "i'm not always having a go at you, you are just defensive" and "you smell like TCP gross you make me sick" and "have you done any homework at all this week?"

-brown some pork meatballs in a small amount of oil. we had 12 from 'the black farmer's daughter' which were v good in the end.
-1 onion and 1 stick of celery finely chopped and fried until soft in a bit of olive oil.
-add this "soffrito" to the meatballs with some smoked paprika (about a tsp?), smoked sea salt, ground black pepper, ground coriander seeds (about 5?) and 2 bay leaves. fry gently for about 3/4 mins.
-pour in 2 tins of chopped tomatoes and 1 tin of throughly rinsed flageolet beans (otherwise ugh so claggy) and a bit of chicken stock. I only had about 1/2 pint leftover, but it is just for rehydrating as you cook, so no need for precise measures.
- bring to a harsh bubble then simmer for approx 30 mins or until you can persuade people into the kitchen. I added a slick of double cream to slightly take the paprika heat off for my sister.
serve with masked potato

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